gape是什么意思 gape在线中文翻译



n. 裂口, 张嘴, 打哈欠
vi. 裂开, 张嘴, 打哈欠
【医】 呵欠, 张口


动词过去式:gaped 过去分词:gaped 现在分词:gaping 第三人称单数:gapes 


名词 gape:

  1. an expression of openmouthed astonishment
  2. a stare of amazement (usually with the mouth open)

动词 gape:

  1. look with amazement; look stupidly同义词:goggle, gawp, gawk
  2. be wide open同义词:yawn, yaw


  1. Dont gape : its rude!别张著嘴傻瞪著,太不礼貌了!
  2. She gaped at the tall man, not believing that he was her younger brother.她张嘴呆看着那个高个子,不相信他就是她的弟弟。


v.intr.(不及物动词)gaped,,gapes To open the mouth wide; yawn.张大嘴;打呵欠To stare wonderingly or stupidly, often with the mouth open.See Synonyms at gaze 瞠目结舌,目瞪口呆:茫然或愚蠢地盯着,常张着嘴参见 gazeTo open wide:张大:例句:The curtains gaped when the wind blew.风吹起时窗帘张开了
n.(名词)The act or an instance of gaping.张口:张口的动作或例子A large opening.张大Zoology The width of the space between the open jaws or mandibles of a vertebrate.【动物学】 宽度:脊椎动物张开的颔骨或下颚之间空间的宽度gapes (used with a sing. verb)Veterinary Medicine A disease of birds, especially young domesticated chickens and turkeys, caused by gapeworms and resulting in obstructed breathing. gapes (与单数动词连用)【兽医学】 张口病:鸟类尤其是驯化的小鸡、火鸡的一种疾病,因张口病线虫引起并导致呼吸困难gapes A fit of yawning. gapes 一阵呵欠
来源:Middle English gapen 中古英语 gapen from Old Norse gapa 源自 古斯堪的纳维亚语 gapa