gospel是什么意思 gospel在线中文翻译



n. 福音, 信仰, 真理


名词 gospel:

  1. the four books in the New Testament (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) that tell the story of Christ's life and teachings同义词:Gospels, evangel
  2. an unquestionable truth同义词:gospel truth
  3. folk music consisting of a genre of a cappella music originating with Black slaves in the United States and featuring call and response; influential on the development of other genres of popular music (especially soul)同义词:gospel singing
  4. the written body of teachings of a religious group that are generally accepted by that group同义词:religious doctrine, church doctrine, creed
  5. a doctrine that is believed to be of great importance


  1. Today's lesson is taken from the St Mark's Gospel.今日的经文选自《马可福音》.
  2. The first lesson is taken from St John's Gospel.第一段圣经选自《约翰福音》。
  3. You mustn't take his words as gospel.你不要把他的话当作信条。
  4. What I'm telling you is gospel.我告诉你的事千真万确。


n.(名词)Often Gospel The proclamation of the redemption preached by Jesus and the Apostles, which is the central content of Christian revelation. 常作 Gospel 福音:由耶稣及使徒布讲的训言,这是基督教《启示录》的中心内容
Gospel Bible One of the first four books of the New Testament, describing the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus and recording his teaching. Gospel 【圣经】 福音书:新约圣经的前四本书之一,记载了耶稣的生平、死亡、复活和他的教导A similar narrative.四福音故事Often Gospel A lection from any of the first four books of the New Testament included as part of a religious service. 常作 Gospel 圣餐仪式经文:摘自新约圣经福音书作为基督徒圣餐仪式一部分的诵读的译文A teaching or doctrine of a religious teacher.指示,训言:宗教教师的指示或训言Music Gospel music.【音乐】 福音音乐Something, such as an idea or a principle, accepted as unquestionably true:绝对真理:毫无疑问是真实的东西,如思想或原则:例句:The teacher said it, and that made it gospel.教师说的都是真的
n.attributive.(定语名词)Often used to modify another noun:经常用来修饰另一个名词:例句:a gospel meeting; a gospel singer.福音会议;福音歌手
来源:Middle English 中古英语 from Old English dspel ultimately translation of Greek euangelion * see evangel 源自 古英语 dspel的翻译 最终为 希腊语 euangelion *参见 evangeld [good] * see good d [好] *参见 goodspel [news] spel [新闻]