gag是什么意思 gag在线中文翻译



n. 箝口物, 箝制言论, 讨论终结
vt. 阻塞, 压制 * , 使窒息, 使呕吐, 插科打浑, 欺骗
vi. 窒息, 作呕, 欺骗, 插科打浑
【医】 张口器, 开口器, 张Ж器


动词过去式:gagged 过去分词:gagged 现在分词:gagging 第三人称单数:gags 


名词 gag:

  1. a humorous anecdote or remark intended to provoke laughter同义词:joke, laugh, jest, jape
  2. restraint put into a person's mouth to prevent speaking or shouting同义词:muzzle

动词 gag:

  1. prevent from speaking out同义词:muzzle
  2. be too tight; rub or press同义词:choke, fret
  3. tie a gag around someone's mouth in order to silence them同义词:muzzle
  4. make jokes or quips同义词:quip
  5. struggle for breath; have insufficient oxygen intake同义词:choke, strangle, suffocate
  6. cause to retch or choke同义词:choke
  7. make an unsuccessful effort to vomit; strain to vomit同义词:heave, retch


  1. The burglars bound him hand and foot and placed a gag in his mouth.夜盗们捆住了他的手脚,并用东西塞住他的嘴。
  2. The new censorship laws is an attempt to gag the press.新的新闻审查法目的在于剥夺新闻界的言论自由。
  3. The new censorship laws are an attempt to gag the press.新的新闻审查法目的在於剥夺新闻界的言论自由。


n.(名词)Something forced into or put over the mouth to prevent speaking or crying out.塞口物,口衔:强塞进嘴里或压在嘴上防止出声的东西An obstacle to or a censoring of free speech.言论限制:对言论自由的审查或言论自由的障碍A device placed in the mouth to keep it open, as in dentistry.张口器:如牙科中放在嘴里使嘴张开的装置
A practical joke.恶作剧A comic effect or remark.See Synonyms at joke 噱头:滑稽的效果或言谈参见 jokeThe act or an instance of gagging or choking.哽喉,呛到:阻塞或窒息的行为或事例v.(动词)gagged,gag.ging,gags及物动词)To prevent from speaking or crying out by using a gag.堵住嘴:塞住嘴以防说活或喊叫To stop or restrain from exercising free speech:抑制言论自由:例句:censorship laws aimed at gagging the press.意在抑制新闻自由的新闻检查法
To cause to choke, retch, or undergo a regurgitative spasm.使窒息,作呕:使窒息、作呕或经受反胃的发作To keep (the mouth) open by using a gag.用张口器将嘴张开To block off or obstruct (a pipe or valve, for example).阻塞(如管道或阀门)v.intr.(不及物动词)
To experience a regurgitative spasm in the throat, as from revulsion to a food or smell or in reflexive response to an introduced object.作呕:如喉咙中产生作呕感等对食物或烟味强烈反感或对使用物品的本能反应To retch or choke.窒息,作呕To make jokes or quips.开玩笑,说俏皮话
来源:From Middle English gaggen [to suffocate] 源自 中古英语 gaggen [使窒息] [perhaps of imitative origin] [可能源于模仿]