gulf是什么意思 gulf在线中文翻译



n. 海湾, 深渊, 漩涡, 隔阂
vt. 吞没
【经】 墨西哥海湾


动词过去式:gulfed 过去分词:gulfed 现在分词:gulfing 第三人称单数:gulfs 


bay, gulf
bay: 指海岸线上一大块凹入的地方,是港口的所在地。
gulf: 一般比bay大,但比sea小。指大片深入到陆地中,由海岸围绕成半圆形的海水区域。


名词 gulf:

  1. an arm of a sea or ocean partly enclosed by land; larger than a bay
  2. an unbridgeable disparity (as from a failure of understanding)同义词:disconnect, disconnection
  3. a deep wide chasm


  1. The gulf extends northward.海湾向北方延伸。
  2. The president hugged himself with pleasure over the quick withdrawal from the gulf war.总统为自己能从海湾战争中见好就收感到暗自庆幸。
  3. He indicated the location of the Persian Gulf with a pen on the map.他用一支笔在地图上标出了波斯湾的位置。
  4. I think there is no gulf between my daughter and I.我认为我和我女儿之间没有隔阂。


n.(名词)Abbr. g.,G.A large area of a sea or ocean partially enclosed by land, especially a long landlocked portion of sea opening through a strait.缩写 g.,G.海湾:大部分被陆地包围的大面积的海或大洋,尤指有海峡与之相通的被陆地环绕的海洋的一部分A deep, wide chasm; an abyss.深壑,深渊:深而宽的裂口;深渊A wide gap, as in understanding:隔阂,鸿沟:巨大的间隔,如在理解方面:例句:.the gulf between the Victorian sensibility and our own.(Babette Deutsch).维多利亚时代的感性方面与我们有巨大差距.(芭贝特·多伊奇)
Something, such as a whirlpool, that draws down or engulfs.漩涡:拖下或吞没的东西,如漩涡及物动词)gulfed,,gulfs To engulf.吞没
来源:Middle English goulf 中古英语 goulf from Old French golfe 源自 古法语 golfe from Old Italian golfo 源自 古意大利语 golfo from Late Latin colpus, colfus 源自 后期拉丁语 colpus, colfus from Greek kolpos [bosom, gulf] 源自 希腊语 kolpos [胸膛,中心的水域]