glory是什么意思 glory在线中文翻译



n. 光荣, 荣耀, 荣誉, 壮丽, 繁荣
vi. 自豪
glory in sth


名词复数:glories 动词过去式:gloried 过去分词:gloried 现在分词:glorying 第三人称单数:glories 


名词 glory:

  1. a state of high honor同义词:glorification
  2. brilliant radiant beauty同义词:resplendence, resplendency
  3. an indication of radiant light drawn around the head of a saint同义词:aura, aureole, halo, nimbus, gloriole

动词 glory:

  1. rejoice proudly


  1. I'd rather take care of the stomachs of the living than (take care of) the glory of the dead in the form of stone memorials.我宁愿照顾活人的肚子,也不愿以石碑的形式来照顾死者的荣耀。
  2. She lives in blissful wedding glory.她过着幸福的婚姻生活。
  3. The morning glory climbs the trunk with its tendril.牵牛花用卷须攀着树干。
  4. The soldier's brave deeds brought him honor and glory.士兵的勇敢事迹为他带来了荣耀和赞美。
  5. No road of flowers lead to glory.没有一条通往光荣的道路是铺满鲜花的。
  6. The bright moonlight showed the Taj Mahal in all its glory.泰姬陵在明亮的月光下显得光彩夺目。
  7. His brave deeds in the battle earned him everlasting glory.他在那场战斗中的英勇事迹为他赢得了永恒的荣誉。


n.(名词)【复数】 glo.ries Great honor, praise, or distinction accorded by common consent; renown.荣誉,荣耀:经一致同意给予极大的荣誉,表扬或荣耀;声誉Something conferring honor or renown.荣耀的事:授予荣誉或声誉的事A highly praiseworthy asset:引以为豪的东西:例句:Your hair is your crowning glory.你的秀发是你最引以自豪的东西
Adoration, praise, and thanksgiving offered in worship.崇拜,赞颂,赞美Majestic beauty and splendor; resplendence:壮丽,壮观;辉煌:例句:The sun set in a blaze of glory.夕阳在壮丽的余辉中西沉
The splendor and bliss of heaven; perfect happiness.福泽,幸福美满;荣耀A height of achievement, enjoyment, or prosperity:繁荣,昌盛,辉煌:例句:Paris in its greatest glory.巴黎最繁荣的时期
A halo, nimbus, or aureole.Also called In this sense, also called gloriole 光环,光晕,荣光也作 在此意义上也可称作 gloriolev.intr.(不及物动词)glo.ried,,glo.ries To rejoice triumphantly; exult:为…而得意;为…而自豪:例句:a sports team that gloried in its hard-won victory.为来之不易的胜利而自豪的运动队伍
来源:Middle English glorie 中古英语 glorie from Old French 源自 古法语 from Latin glôria 源自 拉丁语 glôria