get up是什么意思 get up在线中文翻译

get up['getʌp]


(使)起床, (使)起立, (使)爬上


名词 get up:

  1. a set of clothing (with accessories)同义词:outfit, getup, rig, turnout

动词 get up:

  1. rise to one's feet同义词:arise, rise, uprise, stand up
  2. get up and out of bed同义词:turn out, arise, uprise, rise
  3. raise from a lower to a higher position同义词:raise, lift, elevate, bring up
  4. cause to rise
  5. develop同义词:work up
  6. put on special clothes to appear particularly appealing and attractive同义词:dress up, fig out, fig up, deck up, gussy up, fancy up, trick up, deck out, trick out, prink, attire, rig out, tog up, tog out, overdress
  7. arrange by systematic planning and united effort同义词:organize, organise, prepare, devise, machinate
  8. study intensively, as before an exam同义词:cram, grind away, drum, bone up, swot, mug up, swot up, bone


  1. We got up to page 72 last lesson.上一课我们学到第72页。
  2. What on earth will he get up to next?下一步他究竟要耍什麽花样?
  3. What time do you get up (in the morning)?你(早上)什麽时候起床?
  4. She's busy getting up the American constitution for tomorrow's exam.她忙著温习美国宪法,准备明天的考试。
  5. He's been getting up to his old tricks again!他又要重施故技了。
  6. We're getting up a party for her birthday.我们要给她开生日庆祝会。
  7. The class got up when the teacher came in.老师进来时全班起立。
  8. She was got up (ie dressed) as an Indian princess.把她打扮成了印度公主。