goodbye是什么意思 goodbye在线中文翻译



interj. 再见


名词 goodbye:

  1. a farewell remark同义词:adieu, adios, arrivederci, auf wiedersehen, au revoir, bye, bye-bye, cheerio, good-by, goodby, good-bye, good day, sayonara, so long


  1. Amid all the rush and confusion she forgot to say goodbye.她在忙乱中忘记了告辞。
  2. I'd like to say goodbye to you all.我想向你们大家告别了。
  3. Amidst all the rush and confusion she forgot to say goodbye.她在忙乱中忘记了告辞。
  4. Goodbye till we meet again.再见。
  5. Goodbye, and all the best!再见,祝你一切顺利!
  6. "Did you see Robert safely off?" "At half past six in the morning? No fear! We said goodbye last night.""你把罗伯特平安地送走了吗?""你是说早上6:30吗?没有,我们昨晚就分了手。"
  7. Goodbye I'd better be pushing along now.再见吧--我现在该走了。
  8. Nothing remains except for me to say goodbye.最後我该说一声再见了。