footstep是什么意思 footstep在线中文翻译



n. 脚步, 脚步声, 足迹


名词 footstep:

  1. the sound of a step of someone walking同义词:footfall, step
  2. the act of taking a step in walking
  3. the distance covered by a step同义词:pace, step, stride


  1. Faith Daniels, the distaff anchor of the "CBS Early Morning News, " was ready to jump ship last week, following in the footsteps of her former sidekick, Forrest Sawyer, who skipped town last September.“哥伦比亚广播公司早晨新闻”女主播丹尼尔斯,上周已决定跟随她的以前助手索耶(九月已离纽约)的脚步辞职。
  2. If you walked lightly, your footsteps will not be heard.如果你轻轻地走,别人就听不见你的脚步声了。
  3. I heard his footsteps in the hall.我听见大厅里有他的脚步声。
  4. There are many footsteps in the snow.雪地上有许多脚印。


A step with the foot.脚步The sound of a foot stepping.Also called footfall 脚步声也作 footfallThe distance covered by a step:步长:一步所覆盖的距离:例句:a footstep away.一步之遥
See footprint 参见 footprint A step on which to go up or down.上或下的步子
<习惯用语>follow in (someone`s) footsteps
To carry on the behavior, work, or tradition of.步某人的后尘:继承…的行为、事业或传统习惯用语>