flying是什么意思 flying在线中文翻译



a. 飞的, 飘扬的, 飞速的
n. 飞行, 飞花


名词 flying:

  1. an instance of traveling by air同义词:flight

动词 fly:

  1. travel through the air; be airborne同义词:fly, wing
  2. move quickly or suddenly同义词:fly
  3. fly a plane同义词:fly, aviate, pilot
  4. transport by aeroplane同义词:fly
  5. cause to fly or float同义词:fly
  6. be dispersed or disseminated同义词:fly
  7. change quickly from one emotional state to another同义词:fly
  8. pass away rapidly同义词:fly, fell, vanish
  9. travel in an airplane同义词:fly
  10. display in the air or cause to float同义词:fly
  11. run away quickly同义词:flee, fly, take flight
  12. travel over (an area of land or sea) in an aircraft同义词:fly
  13. hit a fly同义词:fly
  14. decrease rapidly and disappear同义词:vanish, fly, vaporize

形容词 flying:

  1. capable of or engaged in flight
  2. moving swiftly同义词:fast-flying
  3. streaming or flapping or spreading wide as if in a current of air同义词:aflare, flaring, waving
  4. designed for swift movement or action
  5. of or relating to passage through the air (especially aviation)
  6. hurried and brief同义词:quick, fast
  7. done swiftly in or as if in the air; used e.g. of a racing start in which runners are already in motion as they cross the starting line


  1. The children are flying kites.孩子们在放风筝。
  2. It is difficult to shoot a flying bird, especially a small bird flying high up in the sky.要射中飞行中的小鸟,尤其是高空飞行的小鸟,非常困难。
  3. I am going by air. I like flying.我乘飞机去,我喜欢飞行。
  4. There are many swallows flying in the sky.天空中有许多燕子。
  5. The aircraft was flying above thick fog.飞机在浓雾上空飞行。
  6. Rainy weather and fog prohibited flying.雨天和大雾妨碍了飞行。
  7. He continued with his plan to build a flying machine, in spite of the mockery of his friends.他不顾朋友们的反对,继续他建造飞行器的计划。

adj.(形容词)Of or relating to aviation:飞行的:飞行的或有关航行的:例句:a flying time of three hours between cities.两地间三小时的飞行时间
Capable of or engaged in flight:会飞的:有飞行能力的或从事飞行的:例句:The bat is a flying mammal.蝙蝠是会飞的哺乳动物
Situated, extending, or functioning in the air:空中的:设置、伸展或工作于空中的:例句:a flying deck.空中平台
Swiftly moving; fleet:飞快的,敏捷的:快速移动的;疾驰的:例句:played the difficult passage with flying fingers.快速而轻松地翻阅这篇很难的文章
Done or performed swiftly in or as if in the air:飞快的:在或仿佛在空中疾速地进行或操做的:例句:crossed the goal line with a flying leap.飞一般跃过了终点线
Brief; hurried:短促的;瞬逝的:例句:made a flying visit to the neighbors` house; took a flying glance at the report.到邻家的一次极短促的拜访;飞快地扫一眼报告
Capable of swift deployment or response; extremely mobile.反应灵敏的:有快速发展或反应能力的;极具流动性的Nautical Not secured by spars or stays. Used of a sail.【航海】 无保护的:没有船柱或支索保护的。用于帆船n.(名词)Flight in an aircraft or a spacecraft.飞行:在飞机或飞行器中飞行The piloting or navigation of an aircraft or a spacecraft.航行:驾驶或引导飞机或飞行器
<习惯用语>with flying colors
With complete or outstanding success:完全或显著的成功:例句:passed the Latin examination with flying colors.顺利通过了拉丁文考试