forwarding是什么意思 forwarding在线中文翻译



【计】 转发
【经】 转入下页, 信件转寄(投)发运


名词 forwarding:

  1. the act of sending on to another destination
  2. the advancement of some enterprise同义词:furtherance, promotion

动词 forward:

  1. send or ship onward from an intermediate post or station in transit同义词:forward, send on


  1. The meeting has been brought forward from 10 May to 3 May.会议已由5月10日提前到5月3日召开。
  2. A credit balance of 50 was brought forward from his September account.贷方余额50英镑是从他九月份的帐上转来的。
  3. He moved house without leaving a forwarding address.他搬家了,没留下新地址。
  4. The long, tortuous road to bringing magnetic fare cards to the New York City subways took another turn yesterday, leading to a top transportation official to say that the city can finally move forward with a technology that is already in place in many other major cities.将车票磁卡引进纽约市地下铁路的漫长而困苦旅程上又有变化。因而一位负责交通事务的主管官员说:本市终于可以推进一项很多其他主要城市已经具备的科技。
  5. There was a long lag in forwarding mail to us.转寄给我们的邮件晚了很久才拿到。
  6. The rain will bring forward the young crops.这场雨将促进作物幼苗的生长。
  7. The frontiers of medical knowledge are being pushed forwards as time goes on.医学知识的新领域正随着时间向前推进。