forage是什么意思 forage在线中文翻译



n. 粮草, 饲料, 搜寻粮草
vt. 喂, 掠夺, 搜寻粮秣
vi. 搜寻粮草, 掠夺
【医】 (电)楔形切开; 饲料


名词:forager 动词过去式:foraged 过去分词:foraged 现在分词:foraging 第三人称单数:forages 


名词 forage:

  1. animal food for browsing or grazing同义词:eatage, pasture, pasturage, grass
  2. the act of searching for food and provisions同义词:foraging

动词 forage:

  1. collect or look around for (food)同义词:scrounge
  2. wander and feed


  1. Cows and sheep depends forage to feed.牛和羊依靠草料喂养。
  2. She foraged about in her handbag, but couldn't find her keys.她翻遍了手提包,就是找不到钥匙。
  3. There is much forage for the cattle.那儿有很多喂牛的饲料。
  4. One group left the camp to forage for firewood.一些人离开营地去寻找木柴。


n.(名词)Food for domestic animals; fodder.饲料:家禽、家畜的食物;饲料The act of looking or searching for food or provisions.寻食:寻觅食物或粮食的动作v.(动词)for.aged,, v.intr.(不及物动词)To wander in search of food or provisions.搜索粮食:四处游荡以寻找食物或粮食To make a raid, as for food:搜掠,劫掠:进行搜掠,如食物:例句:soldiers foraging near an abandoned farm.士兵们到附近一个废弃的农场劫掠食物
To conduct a search; rummage.翻寻:搜寻食物;搜索及物动词)To collect forage from; strip of food or supplies:向…征集粮食;劫掠:从…收集食物;掠夺食物或供给:例句:troops who were foraging the countryside.在乡村劫掠的军队
Informal To obtain by foraging:【非正式用语】 搜得:通过搜寻而获得:例句:foraged a snack from the refrigerator.从冰箱中搜出些点心
来源:Middle English 中古英语 from Old French fourrage 源自 古法语 fourrage from forrer [to forage] 源自 forrer [搜寻] from feurre [fodder] 源自 feurre [饲料] [of Germanic origin] * see p3- [源于日耳曼语] *参见 p3-