fig是什么意思 fig在线中文翻译



n. 无花果, 无价值的东西, 少许, 服装
vt. 打扮, 使马跑快
【医】 无花果


名词 fig:

  1. a diagram or picture illustrating textual material同义词:figure
  2. Mediterranean tree widely cultivated for its edible fruit同义词:common fig, common fig tree, Ficus carica
  3. a Libyan terrorist group organized in 1995 and aligned with al-Qaeda; seeks to radicalize the Libyan government; attempted to assassinate Qaddafi同义词:Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, Al-Jama'a al-Islamiyyah al-Muqatilah bi-Libya, Libyan Fighting Group, Libyan Islamic Group
  4. fleshy sweet pear-shaped yellowish or purple multiple fruit eaten fresh or preserved or dried


  1. The richly fig out young woman stand out at the party.那位衣饰富丽的年轻女郎在宴会上引人注目。
  2. A fig for this!这算得了什么!
  3. You don't really care a fig about status.你对地位真是一点儿也不在乎。


Any of several trees or shrubs of the genusFicus, especially F. carica, native to the Mediterranean region and widely cultivated for its edible multiple fruit. 无花果树:一种桑科榕 属树或灌木,尤指 普通无花果 ,原产于地中海地区,因其可食用的聚花果而被广泛种植 The sweet, hollow, pear-shaped, multiple fruit of this plant, having numerous tiny seedlike fruits.无花果:这种植物的味甜、中空且呈梨状的聚花果,有许多细小像种子的果肉
Any of several plants bearing similar fruit.结类似果实的各种植物The fruit of such a plant.此类植物的果实A trivial or contemptible amount:最小的一点,最琐碎的事:例句:not worth a fig; didn`t care a fig.值不了多少;不在乎那一点
来源:Middle English 中古英语 from Old French figue 源自 古法语 figue from Old Provenôal figa 源自 古普罗旺斯语 figa from Vulgar Latin *foca 源自 俗拉丁语 *foca from Latin focus 源自 拉丁语 focus

fig 2
n.(名词)Dress; array:服装;衣服:例句:in full fig.盛装
Physical condition; shape:身体状况;形状:例句:in fine fig.精神好
来源:Perhaps from fig [to trot out a horse in lively condition, dress up] 可能源自 fig [让马得意扬扬小跑,盛装] variant of feague [to make a horse lively] feague的变体 [使马充满生气] probably from Dutch vegen [to brush] 可能源自 荷兰语 vegen [刷洗] from Middle Dutch ghen 源自 中古荷兰语 ghen