frame是什么意思 frame在线中文翻译



n. 框, 结构, 体格
vt. 构成, 设计, 制定, 使适合, 陷害
【计】 框架, 图文框, 帧
【医】 支架, 眶, 心境


动词过去式:framed 过去分词:framed 现在分词:framing 第三人称单数:frames 


名词 frame:

  1. a structure supporting or containing something同义词:framework, framing
  2. one of a series of still transparent photographs on a strip of film used in making movies
  3. alternative names for the body of a human being同义词:human body, physical body, material body, soma, build, figure, physique, anatomy, shape, bod, chassis, form, flesh
  4. a period of play in baseball during which each team has a turn at bat同义词:inning
  5. the hard structure (bones and cartilages) that provides a frame for the body of an animal同义词:skeletal system, skeleton, systema skeletale
  6. the internal supporting structure that gives an artifact its shape同义词:skeleton, skeletal frame, underframe

动词 frame:

  1. enclose in or as if in a frame同义词:frame in, border
  2. enclose in a frame, as of a picture
  3. take or catch as if in a snare or trap同义词:ensnare, entrap, set up
  4. formulate in a particular style or language同义词:redact, cast, put, couch
  5. make up plans or basic details for同义词:compose, draw up
  6. construct by fitting or uniting parts together同义词:frame up


  1. Sobs shook her slender frame.她抽泣著,苗条的身体都在颤动。
  2. In a silver frame on the table there is a photograph of her husband.在桌上的银相框里有张她丈夫的照片。
  3. This athlete has a powerful frame.这位运动员有着魁梧的体格。
  4. The government is framing a new bill to control gambling.政府在制定新的法案以控制赌博。


v.(动词)framed,,frames及物动词)To build by putting together the structural parts of; construct:构造,建造:通过把各部分搭在一起而建造;构筑:例句:frame a house.建造一房屋
To conceive or design:想出或设计:例句:framed an alternate proposal.想了一个供选择的计划
To arrange or adjust for a purpose:拟定设计:为某一目的安排或调整:例句:The question was framed to draw only one answer.这个问题被限定只能有一个答案
To put into words; formulate:说出;表达:例句:frame a reply.口头答复
To form (words) silently with the lips.嗫嚅着说To enclose in or as if in a frame:装框:被或好象被围在架框中:例句:frame a painting.框住一幅画
Informal 【非正式用语】 To make up evidence or contrive events so as to incriminate (a person) falsely.诬害捏造:为诬告(某人)而捏造证据或策划事件To prearrange (a contest) so as to ensure a desired fraudulent outcome; fix:预先安排,串通:为保证能得到渴望的欺骗性结果而预先安排(比赛);串通:例句:frame a prizefight.预先安排职业拳击赛
v.intr.(不及物动词)Archaic To go; proceed.【古语】 前进;进行Obsolete To manage; contrive.【废语】 试图;设法做到n.Abbr. fr.(名词)缩写 fr.Something composed of parts fitted and joined together.结构,组织:由被安装或连接在一起的部分组成的事物A structure that gives shape or support:骨架,架子:使成形或起支撑作用的框架结构:例句:the frame of a house.房屋的骨架
An open structure or rim for encasing, holding, or bordering:框,架:一种敞口的框子或构架,用以围绕、容纳或支承某物:例句:a window frame; the frame of a mirror.窗框;镜框
A closed, often rectangular border of drawn or printed lines.边框:画或印刷的一封闭的通常呈矩形的线条Often frames A pair of eyeglasses, excluding the lenses. 常作 frames 无镜片的眼镜The structure of a human or animal body; physique:骨架:人或动物躯体的结构;体格:例句:a worker`s sturdy frame.工人的强健体魄
A cold frame.植物防寒温室A general structure or system:总体结构或体系:例句:the frame of government.政府体制
A general state or condition:大致的状态或形势:例句:The news put me into a better frame of mind.这则消息使我的心境更愉快
Sports Games 【体育运动】 【游戏】 A round or period of play in some games, such as bowling and billiards.一局,一回合:一些游戏(如保龄球与台球)的一局或一回合Baseball An inning.【棒球】 一局A single picture on a roll of movie film.画面:电影的一系列画面中的单独一个The total area of a complete picture in television broadcasting.帧:电视传送的一个完整图象全部的面积Informal A frame-up.【非正式用语】 诬陷A single step in a sequence of programmed instruction.帧:一系列循序渐进的拟定的教学法的单个步骤Obsolete Shape; form.【废语】 形态;构造
来源:Middle English framen 中古英语 framen from Old English framian [to further] 源自 古英语 framian [促进] from fram [forward] * see from 源自 fram [向前的] *参见 from