film是什么意思 film在线中文翻译



n. 软片, 薄膜, 胶卷, 电影
vt. 覆以薄膜, 拍摄
vi. 生薄膜, 拍电影
【医】 薄膜, 膜; 软片, 胶片


动词过去式:filmed 过去分词:filmed 现在分词:filming 第三人称单数:films 


cinema, film, movie, picture
cinema: 与the连用指(上映的)电影,电影工业;可指电影院;在英国与the连用还可指电影艺术。
film: 指电影、影片,普通用词。
movie: 美国英语中的口语用词。
picture: 从原义指银幕或电视屏幕上的图像引申指影片。


名词 film:

  1. a form of entertainment that enacts a story by a sequence of images giving the illusion of continuous movement同义词:movie, picture, moving picture, moving-picture show, motion picture, motion-picture show, picture show, pic, flick
  2. a medium that disseminates moving pictures同义词:cinema, celluloid
  3. a thin coating or layer
  4. a thin sheet of (usually plastic and usually transparent) material used to wrap or cover things同义词:plastic film
  5. photographic material consisting of a base of celluloid covered with a photographic emulsion; used to make negatives or transparencies同义词:photographic film

动词 film:

  1. make a film or photograph of something同义词:shoot, take
  2. record in film


  1. He made a film about Egypt.他拍了一部关于埃及的电影。
  2. Tears filmed his eyes.泪水模糊了他的眼睛。
  3. Joan ran ahead to film us as we crossed the bridge.我们过桥时,琼跑到前面为我们拍照。
  4. He bought two rolls of film for the camera.他给照相机买了两卷胶卷。


n.(名词)A thin skin or membrane.薄皮或膜A thin, opaque, abnormal coating on the cornea of the eye.薄翳:眼睛角膜上一种极薄的、透明的、不正常的增生A thin covering or coating:薄层:极薄的覆盖物或遮蔽物:例句:a film of dust on the piano.钢琴上一层尘土
A thin, flexible, transparent sheet, as of plastic, used in wrapping or packaging.薄膜:如塑料的薄的、柔软的并且透明的用于裹或包装的薄膜
A thin sheet or strip of flexible material, such as a cellulose derivative or a thermoplastic resin, coated with a photosensitive emulsion and used to make photographic negatives or transparencies.胶片:一种柔软物质的薄片,例如赛璐珞制品或热塑性树脂,涂有感光乳剂并用来制像片底片或幻灯片A thin sheet or strip of developed photographic negatives or transparencies.底片,幻灯片:显影后的照相底片或幻灯片的薄片
A movie.电影Movies considered as a group.影片:被看作是一组的电影A coating of magnetic alloys on glass used in manufacturing computer storage devices.薄膜:在玻璃上的磁性合金涂层,用于生产计算机存储装置v.(动词)filmed,,films及物动词)To cover with or as if with a film.在…上覆以薄膜:覆以或好象覆以薄膜To make a movie of or based on:拍摄:拍摄…的或基于…的电影:例句:film a rocket launch; film a scene from a ballet.拍摄火箭发射;摄制芭蕾舞的一幕
v.intr.(不及物动词)To become coated or obscured with or as if with a film:变朦胧:被盖上或好象被盖上一层薄膜变得模糊不清:例句:The window filmed over with moisture.窗子上覆盖着水汽模糊不清
To make or shoot scenes for a movie.摄制电影:为一部影片制作或拍摄场景
来源:Middle English 中古英语 from Old English filmen * see pel- 3源自 古英语 filmen *参见 pel- 3
<注释>One indication of the gulf between us and our Victorian predecessorsis that theOxford English Dictionary fascicle containing the word film, published in 89', does not have the sense .a motion picture.. The one hint of the future to be found among still familiar older senses of the word,such as .a thin skin or membranous coating. or .an abnormal thin coating on the cornea,.is the sense offilm used in photography, a sense referring to a coating of material, such as gelatin,that could substitute for a photographic plate or be used on a plate or on photographic paper.Thus a word that has been with us since Old English times took on this new use,first recorded in 845,which has since developed and now refers to an art form,a sense first recorded in 920.我们同我们维多利亚时代祖先之间的巨大隔阂的表现,就是89'年出版的《牛津英语词典》 分册包含的 film 一词没有.电影.这个含义。 在当中发现的对未来的提示仍然同这个词的旧有意思相近,例如.一层薄的皮或覆盖的薄膜.或.角膜上一种不正常的薄的覆盖物.,就是film 用于摄影的含义, 意思指覆盖物,如胶,可以代替感光板或用于感光板上或在相纸之上。因此从古英语时代出现这个新用法开始,这个词已同我们在一起了,在845年首次被记录,随着时代发展并指一门艺术形式,这个含义于920年才首次记录注释>