female是什么意思 female在线中文翻译



n. 女性, 女人, 雌性动物
a. 女性的, 女子的
【医】 女性, 女子, 雌性生物, 女性的, 雌性的




female, feminine
female: 表示“女的”、“女性的”、“雌的”之意,着重指性别而言,经常与之搭配的词有:sex,child,friend,companion,heir,ruler,servant,ward,voice,figure,suffrage,education,animal,plant等,其对立词是male.
  • yesterday we received a lot of guests,male and female,in victoria peak garden.
  • his younger sister, it is said, a female operative.
  • a doe is female deer.

feminine: 着重指“有女性气质的”之意,经常与之搭配的词有nature,sympathy,weakness,virtue,frivolity,curiosity,voice,pursuits,hobbies,clothes等,其对立词是masculine.
  • she has got all the feminine virtues.
  • this gentleman has got a feminine voice.


名词 female:

  1. an animal that produces gametes (ova) that can be fertilized by male gametes (spermatozoa)
  2. a person who belongs to the sex that can have babies同义词:female person

形容词 female:

  1. being the sex (of plant or animal) that produces fertilizable gametes (ova) from which offspring develop
  2. characteristic of or peculiar to a woman同义词:distaff
  3. for or pertaining to or composed of women or girls


  1. I doubt if there will be a female president in this country in my lifetime.我怀疑在我有生之年这个国家会不会出现一位女总统。
  2. The male's orange beak differentiates it from the female.那种鸟雄鸟的喙呈橙色,与雌鸟不同。
  3. The male sperm fertilizes the female egg.雄性的精子使雌性的卵子受精。
  4. The male and female genders are equal.男性和女性是平等的。
  5. Men begin to enter female jobs out of consideration for personal interest.出于个人利益考虑,男子开始介入女子的工作领域。
  6. The male voice is deeper than the female.男性的嗓音比女性的低沉。
  7. All the female workers in this factory got a present on March 8.这家工厂的所有女职工在三八节都得到了一份礼物。


adj.Abbr. fem.,f.,F(形容词)缩写 fem.,f.,F
Of, relating to, or denoting the sex that produces ova or bears young.女的,女性的:属于、有关或表示产卵或产仔性别的Characteristic of or appropriate to this sex; feminine.See Synonyms at feminine 女性的,女人特有的:这种性别特有的或适于这种性别的;表示妇女特性的参见 feminineConsisting of members of this sex.由女性成员组成的Botany 【植物学】 Relating to or designating an organ, such as a pistil or an ovary, that functions in producing seeds after fertilization.雌性的:与一种器官有关或指示这种器官的,如用于受精后产仔的雌蕊或子房Bearing pistils but not stamens; pistillate:产生雌蕊的;雌蕊的:例句:female flowers.雌花
Having a recessed part, such as a slot or receptacle, designed to receive a complementary male part:凹的:如槽沟或插座等为接受一互补的凸起部分而设计的凹部的:例句:the female section of an electrical outlet.电源插座的凹部
n.Abbr. fem.,f.,F(名词)缩写 fem.,f.,FA member of the sex that produces ova or bears young.女,雌:产卵或产仔的个体A woman or girl.女人或女孩Botany A plant having only pistillate flowers.【植物学】 雌株:一种只有雌花的植物
来源:Middle English 中古英语 alteration influenced by male [male] * see malemale的影响 [雄性] *参见 maleof femelle femelle的变化 from Old French 源自 古法语 from Latin mella [diminutive of] fômina [woman] * see dhô(i)- 源自 拉丁语 mella [] fômina的小后缀 [女子] *参见 dhô(i)-