full是什么意思 full在线中文翻译



n. 全部, 完整
a. 充满的, 完全的, 丰富的, 完美的, 丰满的, 详尽的
ad. 完全地, 整整, 十分
vt. 把(衣服等)缝得宽松, 漂洗
【计】 完整
【经】 充分的, 完全的, 全部的
be full as useful as
look sb full in the face
at the full
be full of...
full out
full up
in full
pay in full
to the full
come to a full stop


名词:fullness 形容词比较级:fuller 最高级:fullest 动词过去式:fulled 过去分词:fulled 现在分词:fulling 第三人称单数:fulls 


名词 full:

  1. the time when the moon is fully illuminated同义词:full moon, full-of-the-moon, full phase of the moon

动词 full:

  1. beat for the purpose of cleaning and thickening
  2. make (a garment) fuller by pleating or gathering
  3. increase in phase同义词:wax

形容词 full:

  1. containing as much or as many as is possible or normal
  2. constituting the full quantity or extent; complete同义词:entire, total
  3. complete in extent or degree and in every particular同义词:total
  4. filled to satisfaction with food or drink同义词:replete
  5. (of sound) having marked depth and body
  6. having the normally expected amount同义词:good
  7. being at a peak or culminating point同义词:broad
  8. having ample fabric同义词:wide, wide-cut

副词 full:

  1. to the greatest degree or extent; completely or entirely; (`full' in this sense is used as a combining form)同义词:fully, to the full


  1. John hit him full in the face.约翰一下正打在他的脸上。
  2. The bottle is full of water.瓶子里装满了水。
  3. They knew full well that he wouldn't keep his promise.他们很清楚地知道他不会遵守诺言。
  4. The roses are in full bloom.玫瑰花盛开了。


adj.(形容词)full.er,full.est Containing all that is normal or possible:满的,充满的:包含正常或尽可能多数量的:例句:a full pail.装得满满的桶
Complete in every particular:完全的,完整的:每一个细节都完整的:例句:a full account.完整的叙述
Baseball 【棒球】 Amounting to three balls and two strikes. Used of a count.满球数的:投出三球并且两次击中的。用于计数Having a base runner at first, second, and third base:满垒的:一垒、二垒、三垒有跑垒员的:例句:The bases were full when the slugger stepped up to bat.强棒打击手上场击球时已是满垒
Of maximum or highest degree:最大或最高程度的:例句:at full speed.以全速
Being at the peak of development or maturity:巅峰的:处于发展或成熟的巅峰:例句:in full bloom.盛开
Having a great deal or many:大量的或许多的:例句:a book full of errors.错误百出的书
Totally qualified, accepted, or empowered:有资格的,被认可的:完全有资格的、完全被接受的或被许可的:例句:a full member of the club.俱乐部的正式成员
Rounded in shape; plump:圆鼓鼓的;丰满的:例句:a full figure.丰满的体形
Having or made with a generous amount of fabric:宽松的,多褶的:有或用大量布料制成的:例句:full draperies.多褶的帷帘
Having an appetite completely satisfied, especially for food or drink:吃饱喝足的:尤指彻底使食欲得到满足的,如食物或饮料:例句:was full after the Thanksgiving dinner.感恩节晚餐上吃得饱饱的
Providing an abundance, especially of food.丰足的:尤指食物供应充足的Having depth and body; rich:具深度和强度的;富含的:例句:a full aroma; full tones.浓郁的香气;深沉的嗓音
Completely absorbed or preoccupied:极感兴趣的或全神贯注的:例句:.He was already pretty full of himself.(Ron Rosenbaum).他完全陶醉在自我之中.(罗恩·罗森鲍姆)
Possessing both parents in common:同父母生的:例句:full brothers; full sisters.同胞兄弟;同胞姐妹
adv.(副词)To a complete extent; entirely:完全地;充分地:例句:knowing full well.了解得非常清楚
Exactly; directly:正确地;直接地:例句:full in the path of the moon.被月光照着
v.(动词)fulled,full.ing,fulls v.tr.(及物动词)To make (a garment) full, as by pleating or gathering.使衣服宽松:把(衣服)打褶或合拢使之变宽松v.intr.(不及物动词)To become full. Used of the moon.变圆。用于指月亮n.(名词)The maximum or complete size or amount:最大的数量,完整的数量:例句:repaid in full.全数偿还
The highest degree or state:极点,鼎盛:最高程度或最佳状态:例句:living life to the full.充分享受生活
来源:Middle English ful 中古英语 ful from Old English full * see pel…- 源自 古英语 full *参见 pel…-
full.ness 或
full 2
v.tr.(及物动词)fulled,full.ing,fulls To increase the weight and bulk of (cloth) by shrinking and beating or pressing.缩(呢、绒):通过缩水、捶打或熨烫增加(布料的)重量和厚度
来源:Middle English fullen 中古英语 fullen from Old French fouler 源自 古法语 fouler from Vulgar Latin *full3re 源自 俗拉丁语 *full3re from Latin fullô [fuller] * see bhel- 2源自 拉丁语 fullô [缩绒工] *参见 bhel- 2