free是什么意思 free在线中文翻译



a. 自由的, 享受政治权力的, 允许的, 免费的, 丰富的
vt. 释放, 解放, 使自由
ad. 自由地, 免费
【机】 松扣
set free
be rather too free with sb
for free
get sth for free
give sth for free
free and easy
be free from...
be free of...
make free with
make sb free of


形容词比较级:freer 最高级:freest 名词:freeness 副词:freely 动词过去式:freed 过去分词:freed 现在分词:freeing 第三人称单数:frees 


名词 free:

  1. people who are free同义词:free people

动词 free:

  1. grant freedom to; free from confinement同义词:liberate, release, unloose, unloosen, loose
  2. relieve from同义词:rid, disembarrass
  3. remove or force out from a position同义词:dislodge
  4. grant relief or an exemption from a rule or requirement to同义词:exempt, relieve
  5. make (information) available publication同义词:release
  6. free from obligations or duties同义词:discharge
  7. free or remove obstruction from同义词:disengage
  8. let off the hook同义词:absolve, justify
  9. part with a possession or right同义词:release, relinquish, resign, give up
  10. make (assets) available同义词:unblock, unfreeze, release

形容词 free:

  1. able to act at will; not hampered; not under compulsion or restraint
  2. unconstrained or not chemically bound in a molecule or not fixed and capable of relatively unrestricted motion
  3. costing nothing同义词:complimentary, costless, gratis, gratuitous
  4. not occupied or in use
  5. not fixed in position同义词:detached
  6. not held in servitude
  7. not taken up by scheduled activities同义词:spare
  8. not literal同义词:loose, liberal

副词 free:

  1. without restraint同义词:loose


  1. Children under five usually travel free on trains.五岁以下的儿童乘火车通常免费。
  2. Friday afternoons are left free for revision.留出星期五下午的时间做复习。
  3. The driver had to be cut free from the wreckage of his car.破开了汽车残骸才把司机解救出来。
  4. A free flow of water came from the pipe.水从管道里通畅地流了出来。
  5. She is very free in discussing her personal problem.她在与人谈论自己的私事时毫无拘束。
  6. These magazines are free.这些杂志是免费的。
  7. Don't run free on the main street.别在大街上乱跑。
  8. The prisoners wish to be free again.囚犯们希望重获自由。


adj.(形容词),fre.est Not imprisoned or enslaved; being at liberty.自由的:不受监禁或奴役的;自由的Not controlled by obligation or the will of another:不受约束的:不受义务或他人意愿控制的:例句:felt free to go.随便去不去
Having political independence:独立自主的:有政治上的独立权的:例句:.America . . . is the freest and wealthiest nation in the world.(Rudolph W. Giuliani).美国是世界上最独立,最富足的国家.(鲁道夫W.朱利亚尼)
Governed by consent and possessing or granting civil liberties:享有公民权的:经同意被统治并享有或准予公民自由权的:例句:a free citizenry.享有公民权的公民
Not subject to arbitrary interference by a government:有个人自由的:不受政府的任意干预的:例句:a free press.自由的出版机构
Not affected or restricted by a given condition or circumstance:免除的:不受既定条件或环境影响或制约:例句:a healthy animal, free of disease; free from need.没有疾病的健康动物;自给自足
Not subject to a given condition; exempt:被豁免的:不受既定条件支配的;被免除的:例句:income that is free of all taxes.免税的收入
Not subject to external restraint:不受外部阻力支配的:例句:.Comment is free but facts are sacred.(Charles Prestwich Scott).评论是不受限制的,但事实却是神圣的.(查尔斯·普雷斯特维奇·斯科特)
Not literal or exact:不拘泥的:不按字面的或不准确的:例句:a free translation.意译
Costing nothing; gratuitous:不花钱的;无偿的:例句:a free meal.免费的一餐
Publicly supported:公费的:公众支持的:例句:free education.公费教育
Not occupied or used:空的:未被占用或使用的:例句:a free locker.一个空柜子
Not taken up by scheduled activities:空闲的:未被安排的活动占用的:例句:free time between classes.课间的空余时间
Unobstructed; clear:不受阻碍的;畅通的:例句:a free lane.畅通的小路
Unguarded in expression or manner; open; frank.无保留的:在言谈或举止上无防备的;坦率的;真诚的Taking undue liberties; forward or overfamiliar.放肆的,任性的:行为不适当的;鲁莽的或过于亲热的Liberal or lavish:慷慨的或大手大脚的:例句:tourists who are free with their money.滥花钱的旅行者
Given, made, or done of one`s own accord; voluntary or spontaneous:不受羁束的:主动地给予、制作或做的;自愿或自发的:例句:a free act of the will; free choices.自愿的行动;自由的选择
Chemistry Physics 【化学】 【物理学】 Unconstrained; unconfined:自由的:不受约束的;不受限制的:例句:free expansion.自由的扩展
Not fixed in position; capable of relatively unrestricted motion:没固定的:位置不固定的;能相对地无约束地运动的:例句:a free electron.自由电子
Not chemically bound in a molecule:游离的:未化合成分子的:例句:free oxygen.游离氧
Involving no collisions or interactions:没有碰撞的或不互相作用的:例句:a free path.自由路径
Empty:空的:例句:a free space.空间
Unoccupied:未被占据的:例句:a free energy level.未被占据的能量极
Nautical Favorable:【航海】 有利的:例句:a free wind.顺风
Not bound, fastened, or attached:单体的:不被束缚的、不附着的或不相连的:例句:the free end of a chain.链条的分开的下端
Linguistics Being a vowel in an open syllable unchecked by a consonant, as theo in go. 【语言学】 自由元音的:开音节中不被辅音阻碍的元音的,如ogo 中 adv.(副词)In a free manner; without restraint.自由地:以自由的方式;不受限制地Without charge.免费地及物动词)freed,,frees To set at liberty; make free:释放;使自由:例句:freed the slaves; free the imagination.释放奴隶;自由想象
To relieve of a burden, an obligation, or a restraint:解除:解除负担、义务或限制:例句:a people who were at last freed from fear.终于解除了恐惧的人
To remove obstructions or entanglements from; clean:清除:从…除去阻碍或缠绊物;清除:例句:free a path through the jungle.在丛林中清出一条小路
<习惯用语>for free【非正式用语】
Without charge.免费的习惯用语>来源:Middle English fre 中古英语 fre from Old English frôo 源自 古英语 frôo V., from Middle English freen 动词,源自 中古英语 freen from Old English frôon [to love, set free] * see pro- 源自 古英语 frôon [爱,使自由] *参见 pro-