epinephrine是什么意思 epinephrine在线中文翻译



n. 肾上腺素
【化】 肾上腺素
【医】 肾上腺素


名词 epinephrine:

  1. a catecholamine secreted by the adrenal medulla in response to stress (trade name Adrenalin); stimulates autonomic nerve action同义词:epinephrin, adrenaline, Adrenalin


epinephrine 也作 ep.i.neph.rin
n.(名词)A hormone secreted by the adrenal medulla that is released into the bloodstream in response to physical or mental stress, as from fear or injury. It initiates many bodily responses, including the stimulation of heart action and an increase in blood pressure, metabolic rate, and blood glucose concentration.Also called adrenaline 肾上腺素:肾上腺髓质分泌的荷尔蒙,由于肉体或精神的压力,如恐惧或受伤,而进入血液。它激发很多生理反应,包括刺激心脏活动,升高血压, 增加新陈代谢频率和血液中葡萄糖的浓度也作 adrenalineA white to brownish crystalline compound, C9H 3NO 3, isolated from the adrenal glands of certain mammals or synthesized and used in medicine as a heart stimulant, vasoconstrictor, and bronchial relaxant. 肾上腺素:白色到褐色之间的晶体化合物,C9H 3NO 3,由某些哺乳动物的肾上腺提取或人工合成,用作心脏兴奋剂、血管收缩剂和支气管肌松弛剂
来源:epi- epi-nephr(o)- nephr(o)--ine 2-ine2