evergreen是什么意思 evergreen在线中文翻译



n. 常绿树, 常绿植物
a. 常绿的


名词 evergreen:

  1. a plant having foliage that persists and remains green throughout the year同义词:evergreen plant

形容词 evergreen:

  1. (of plants and shrubs) bearing foliage throughout the year


  1. The juniper is a type of evergreen bush with purple berries.杜松子是一种生有紫红色浆果的常绿灌木。
  2. Heather is an evergreen plant.石南花是种常绿植物。
  3. Spruce and pine are evergreen trees.云杉和松树都是常绿树木。
  4. I love these evergreen tunes.我喜欢这些经久不衰的老曲子。
  5. Pines are evergreens.松树是常青树。


adj.(形容词)Having foliage that persists and remains green throughout the year.常绿的,常青的:具终年保持常绿的叶Perenially fresh or interesting; enduring.永保青春的,不衰的:永保新鲜和兴趣的;持久的n.(名词)A tree, shrub, or plant having foliage that persists and remains green throughout the year.常绿植物:具有终年常绿叶的树木、灌木或植物evergreens Twigs or branches of evergreen plants used as decoration. evergreens 常绿树枝条:用作装饰品的常绿植物的枝或小枝Something that remains perennially fresh, interesting, or well liked.经久不衰的事物:常新的、百看不厌的或永保美名的事物