exploded是什么意思 exploded在线中文翻译



a. * 了的, 分解的, 被破除的, 被戳穿的


动词 explode:

  1. cause to burst with a violent release of energy同义词:explode, detonate, blow up, set off
  2. burst outward, usually with noise同义词:explode, burst
  3. show a violent emotional reaction同义词:explode
  4. be unleashed; emerge with violence or noise同义词:explode, burst forth, break loose
  5. destroy by exploding同义词:explode
  6. cause to burst as a result of air pressure; of stop consonants like /p/, /t/, and /k/同义词:explode
  7. drive from the stage by noisy disapproval同义词:explode
  8. show (a theory or claim) to be baseless, or refute and make obsolete同义词:explode
  9. burst and release energy as through a violent chemical or physical reaction;"the bomb detonated at noon"同义词:detonate, explode, blow up
  10. increase rapidly and in an uncontrolled manner同义词:explode, irrupt

形容词 exploded:

  1. blown apart with great violence
  2. showing the parts of something separated but in positions that show their correct relation to one another


  1. The whole house rocked (to and fro) when the bomb exploded.炸弹爆炸时整座房子都震得(前後)直晃。
  2. The firework exploded in his hand.那个爆竹在他手里响了。
  3. They felt the ground quake as the bomb exploded.炸弹爆炸时,他们觉得地都震动了。
  4. He exploded with rage.他勃然大怒,暴跳如雷。
  5. The plot backfired (on the terrorist) when the bomb exploded too soon.由於炸弹过早爆炸,(恐怖分子的)阴谋未能得逞。
  6. The bomb exploded in a twinkling.炸弹一会儿就爆炸了。
  7. When the boiler exploded many people were injured.因锅炉爆炸,许多人受了伤。
  8. She was scalded when the boiler exploded.锅炉爆炸时她被烫伤了。