electronics是什么意思 electronics在线中文翻译



n. 电子学
【计】 电子学
【医】 电子学


名词 electronics:

  1. the branch of physics that deals with the emission and effects of electrons and with the use of electronic devices


  1. The company has achieved a premier position in the electronics field.该公司执电子行业之牛耳。
  2. The prognosis for the future of the electronics industry is encouraging.预测电子工业的前途一片大好。
  3. Large electronics companies developed television, but Baird pointed the way with his experiments.大型电子工业公司研制出了电视,但这有赖於贝尔德的实验为此指出了方向。
  4. The branch of electronics that deals with miniature components.微电子学研究微小器件的电子学分支
  5. Japanese-born physicist. He shared a1973 Nobel Prize for theoretical advances in the field of solid-state electronics.江崎,玲于奈生于1925日本裔物理学家,由于他在固态物质电子学理论上的进展获得了1973年诺贝尔奖
  6. They challenged that company's supremacy in the field of electronics.他们挑战那家公司在电子学领域中占据的领先地位。


n.(名词)(used with a sing. verb)The science and technology of electronic phenomena.(与单数动词连用)电子学:研究电子现象的科学和技术(used with a pl. verb)Electronic devices and systems:(与复数动词连用)电子装置和组件:例句:The electronics aboard the new aircraft are very sophisticated.安装在新飞行器上的电子器件非常复杂