elder是什么意思 elder在线中文翻译



n. 年长者, 老人, 前辈
a. 年长的, 资深的
【医】 接骨木[属植物]




名词 elder:

  1. a person who is older than you are同义词:senior
  2. any of numerous shrubs or small trees of temperate and subtropical northern hemisphere having white flowers and berrylike fruit同义词:elderberry bush
  3. any of various church officers

形容词 elder:

  1. used of the older of two persons of the same name especially used to distinguish a father from his son同义词:older, sr.


  1. She worked hard in emulation of her elder sister.她努力赶超姐姐。
  2. My elder sister had a baby last month, so I am an aunt now.我姐姐上个月生了孩子,所以我现在是阿姨了。
  3. He is the elder statesman par excellence.他是最优秀的年长的国务活动家。
  4. His elder brother got married last month.他的哥哥上个月结婚了。
  5. He is the elder of the twins.他是双胞胎中的哥哥。


adj.(形容词)Greater than another in age or seniority.年纪较大的:比另一人年长的或资格老的Superior to another or others, as in rank.资格较老的,地位较高的:比另一人或另些人地位高的,如在职衔上n.(名词)An older person.年长者An older, influential member of a family, tribe, or community.头人,长辈:在一个家庭、部落或团体里的年长且有影响力的人One of the governing officers of a church, often having pastoral or teaching functions.长老:教会的管事或领导之一,通常有精神上指导或教育的功能Mormon Church A member of the higher order of priesthood.【摩门教】 高级司祭
来源:Middle English eldre 中古英语 eldre from Old English eldra * see al- 2源自 古英语 eldra *参见 al- 2
n.(名词)Elder and eldest generally apply to persons, unlikeolder and oldest, which also apply to things. Elder andeldest are used principally with reference to seniority: Eldereldest 通常指人, 不同于olderoldest , 后两者也可指物, Eldereldest 主要用来指资格: 例句:elder sister;大姐;
例句:elder statesman;资格老的议员,
例句:John the Elder. 老约翰

elder 2
n.(名词)Any of various shrubs or small trees of the genusSambucus, having clusters of small white flowers and red or purplish-black berrylike fruit. 接骨木:一种接骨木属 的灌木或小树,开大团小白花,结红色或黑紫色类似浆果的果实
来源:Middle English eldre 中古英语 eldre from Old English ellôrn 源自 古英语 ellôrn