ebb是什么意思 ebb在线中文翻译



n. 退潮, 衰退
vi. 潮退, 衰退
【医】 [调理指数]减衰
at a low ebb


动词过去式:ebbed 过去分词:ebbed 现在分词:ebbing 第三人称单数:ebbs 


名词 ebb:

  1. a gradual decline (in size or strength or power or number)同义词:ebbing, wane
  2. the outward flow of the tide同义词:reflux

动词 ebb:

  1. flow back or recede同义词:ebb away, ebb down, ebb out, ebb off
  2. hem in fish with stakes and nets so as to prevent them from going back into the sea with the ebb
  3. fall away or decline


  1. His energy seemed to ebb.他的精力似乎正在衰退。
  2. A crab was left stranded on the beach when the tide ebbed.退潮时,一只蟹被困留在沙滩上。
  3. Painting was then at its lowest ebb.那时绘画艺术非常不景气。


n.(名词)Ebb tide.落潮A period of decline or diminution:低潮:潮低落或衰减时期:例句:.Insistence upon rules of conduct marks the ebb of religious fervor.(Alfred North Whitehead).坚持行为准则标志着宗教狂热的降温.(艾尔弗雷德·诺思·怀特海德)
v.intr.(不及物动词)ebbed,ebb.ing,ebbs To fall back from the flood stage.(潮)退:从大水状态退落下来To fall away or back; decline or recede.See Synonyms at recede 回落跌落;衰退或消减参见 recede
来源:Middle English ebbe 中古英语 ebbe from Old English ebba * see apo- 源自 古英语 ebba *参见 apo-