estate是什么意思 estate在线中文翻译



n. 不动产, (人生的)阶段, 阶层, 财产
【经】 房地产, 遗产, 财产


wealth, assets, estate, goods, property, resources
wealth: 普通用词,含义广。既可指大笔的钱财或物质财富,也可指抽象的精神财富。
assets: 法律和商业用词,指包括全部动产和不动产的资产。
estate: 多指地产或建在地面上的房产。
goods: 含义较窄,主要指个人动产。
property: 含义较estate宽,指个人或团体合法拥有的财产,包括动产与不动产,或临时的财产。
resources: 指在需要时可以动用的财产,包括国家土地、矿藏、水力等自然资源或个人的存款及其他财产。


名词 estate:

  1. everything you own; all of your assets (whether real property or personal property) and liabilities
  2. extensive landed property (especially in the country) retained by the owner for his own use同义词:land, landed estate, acres, demesne
  3. a major social class or order of persons regarded collectively as part of the body politic of the country and formerly possessing distinct political rights同义词:estate of the realm


  1. He has succeeded to his father's estate.他继承了父亲的产业。
  2. He invited us to his country estate for a weekend shoot.他邀请我们到他乡下的庄园去过一次打猎的周末。
  3. He settled part of his estate on his son.他把部分财产转让给儿子了。
  4. The residue of estate belongs to his son.剩余财产属于他的儿子。
  5. He has a beautiful estate near London.他在离伦敦不远处有一个美丽的庄园。
  6. The old man left an estate of two million dollars when he died.那老人去世时留下二百万美元的遗产。


n.(名词)A landed property, usually of considerable size.土地拥有权:拥有土地的权力,通常指大片土地The whole of one`s possessions, especially all the property and debts left by one at death.遗产:某人全部的财产,尤指一个人死后留下的所有的财产和债务Abbr. est.Law The nature and extent of an owner`s rights with respect to land or other property.缩写 est.【法律】 地产,地产权,财产权:安置土地或其他财产的固有的或暂时的所有权Chiefly British A housing development.【多用于英国】 房屋(地产)的扩张和发展The situation or circumstances of one`s life:人生际遇:人生的状况和环境:例句:A child`s estate gives way to the adult`s estate.童年时期不如青年时期
Social position or rank, especially of high order.社会等级:社会地位或等级,特别是指较高社会地位A major social class, such as the nobility, the commons, or the clergy, formerly possessing distinct political rights.社会阶层:主要的社会阶层,例如贵族阶层、平民阶层、牧师阶层,具有不寻常的政治权力Archaic Display of wealth or power; pomp.【古语】 炫耀财富或权力;浮夸
来源:Middle English estat [condition] 中古英语 estat [状态,状况] from Old French * see state 源自 古法语 *参见 state