extract是什么意思 extract在线中文翻译



n. 榨出物, 精汁, 摘录, 选段
vt. (费力地)取出, 采掘, 榨取, 摘录, 吸取
【计】 提取
【化】 抽取; 提取; 萃取; 浸膏; 浸膏剂; 萃取液; 提取液
【医】 提取, 浸膏, 浸出物


名词:extractor 动词过去式:extracted 过去分词:extracted 现在分词:extracting 第三人称单数:extracts 形容词:extractable 


quotation, extract
quotation: 常指篇幅较短的引语。
extract: 指选录或摘录,一般较长。


名词 extract:

  1. a solution obtained by steeping or soaking a substance (usually in water)同义词:infusion
  2. a passage selected from a larger work同义词:excerpt, excerption, selection

动词 extract:

  1. remove, usually with some force or effort; also used in an abstract sense同义词:pull out, pull, pull up, take out, draw out
  2. get despite difficulties or obstacles
  3. deduce (a principle) or construe (a meaning)同义词:educe, evoke, elicit, draw out
  4. extract by the process of distillation同义词:distill, distil
  5. separate (a metal) from an ore
  6. obtain from a substance, as by mechanical action同义词:press out, express
  7. take out of a literary work in order to cite or copy同义词:excerpt, take out
  8. calculate the root of a number


  1. A computer word that specifies to extract some parts of another computer word.一种计算机字,它规定对另一计算机字的某些部分进行析取。
  2. She extracted a small notebook from her handbag.她从手提包里取出了一个小笔记本。
  3. I had extracted a detailed account from him.我从他那里打听出了详情。
  4. I would like to quote two extracts from the book.我很想引用这本书的两段文字。


v.tr.(及物动词)ex.tract.ed,ex.tract.ing,ex.tracts To draw or pull out, using great force or effort:用力拔出:用大力或努力拔出或拖出:例句:extract a wisdom tooth.拔出一颗智齿
To obtain despite resistance:不顾反抗而获得:例句:extract a promise.迫使作出许诺
To obtain from a substance by chemical or mechanical action, as by pressure, distillation, or evaporation.榨出,提取,蒸馏:通过化学作用或机械作用从某物质中获得,如通过压榨、蒸馏或蒸发To remove for separate consideration or publication; excerpt.摘录,引用:为单独论述或出版而摘抄;摘录
To derive or obtain (information, for example) from a source.选取:从某一出处获得或取得(信息)To deduce (a principle or doctrine); construe (a meaning).演绎,解释:推断(原则或教义);分析(意义)To derive (pleasure or comfort) from an experience.得到:从一次经历中获得(乐趣或舒适)Mathematics To determine or calculate (the root of a number).【数学】 开方,求根:确定或计算(一数的根)n.(名词)
A passage from a literary work; an excerpt.摘录:从文学作品中摘录下来的一段;摘录A concentrated preparation of the essential constituents of a food, a flavoring, or another substance; a concentrate:浓缩物,汁:一种食物、调味品或其它物质的精华部分的浓缩制剂;浓缩物:例句:maple extract.枫树汁
来源:Middle English extracten 中古英语 extracten from Latin extrahere extract- 源自 拉丁语 extrahere extract- ex- [ex-] ex- [前缀,表.…之外.] trahere [to draw] trahere [汲取]
extract.able 或