empty是什么意思 empty在线中文翻译



a. 空的, 空虚的, 空腹的, 空洞的
n. 空的东西, 空车
vt. 倒空, 使变空, 使排出
vi. 流空
【计】 空
be empty of...


名词:emptiness 副词:emptily 名词复数:empties 形容词比较级:emptier 最高级:emptiest 动词过去式:emptied 过去分词:emptied 现在分词:emptying 第三人称单数:empties 


empty, vacant, hollow
empty: 意思是“里面没有东西”、“一无所有”,具有“空无一物”的隐含意义,它可以用来描绘box、vessel、cupboard、bag、purse、room、house、street、stomach、head 等词。
  • this trunk is empty of its contents.
  • we found the room empty.
  • at midnight even the busiest street is empty.

vacant: 意思是“闲着的”、“无人占据的”,着重指临时性的情况,如:vacant seat、vacant apartment、vacant position等。
  • we have no vacant position here.
  • a vacant seat was found in this compartment.

hollow: 意思是“空心的”、“中空的”、“空洞的”、“下陷的”,它常与tree、ball、cheeks、voice、sound、words、promise等词连用,由此可见,它既可用以指实物的“中空”,亦可指 words、promise、compliments的“虚假”,用于后者场合是比喻意义。
  • this is a hollow tree.
  • i don't like to hear his hollow words.
  • the tears rolled down her hollow cheeks.
  • his argument sounds hollow.


名词 empty:

  1. a container that has been emptied

动词 empty:

  1. make void or empty of contents
  2. become empty or void of its content同义词:discharge
  3. leave behind empty; move out of同义词:vacate, abandon
  4. remove
  5. excrete or discharge from the body同义词:evacuate, void

形容词 empty:

  1. holding or containing nothing
  2. devoid of significance or point同义词:hollow, vacuous
  3. having nothing inside
  4. needing nourishment同义词:empty-bellied
  5. emptied of emotion


  1. This river empties into the South Sea.这条河流入南海。
  2. They emptied the biscuits onto the plate.他们把饼干倒在盘子里。
  3. His room is empty.他的房间是空的。


Holding or containing nothing.空的:不含任何东西的Mathematics Having no elements or members; null:【数学】 没有元素的;零的:没有元素或成员的;零的:例句:an empty set.空集合
Having no occupants or inhabitants; vacant:空无一人的:无人占有的或居住的;空的:例句:an empty chair; empty desert.空椅子;空旷的沙漠
Lacking force or power:无力的:例句:an empty threat.无力的威胁
Lacking purpose or substance; meaningless:空虚的:无目的的或无实质的;无意义的:例句:an empty life.空虚的生活
Not put to use; idle:空闲的:未使用的;空闲的:例句:empty hours.空闲的时间
Needing nourishment; hungry:饥饿的:需要营养的;饥饿的:例句:.More fierce and more inexorable far/Than empty tigers or the roaring sea.(Shakespeare).比饥饿的老虎或狂啸的大海更猛烈更无情.(莎士比亚)
Devoid; destitute:缺乏的;贫乏的:例句:empty of pity.缺乏同情心
v.(动词)emp.tied,emp.ty.ing,emp.ties v.tr.(及物动词)To remove the contents of:腾空:移走…的内容:例句:emptied the dishwasher.腾空洗碟机
To transfer or pour off completely:倒空:完全转移或倒出:例句:empty the ashes into a pail.把灰倒进桶里
To unburden; relieve:解除;减轻:例句:empty oneself of doubt.消除自己的疑惑
v.intr.(不及物动词)To become empty:变空:例句:The theater emptied after the performance.表演结束后剧院空无一人
To discharge its contents:放出包含物:例句:The river empties into a bay.河水注入海湾
n.(名词)【复数】 emp.ties 【非正式用语】 An empty container.空容器
来源:Middle English 中古英语 from Old English ômtig [vacant, unoccupied] 源自 古英语 ômtig [空的,未用的] from ômetta [leisure] * see med- 源自 ômetta [休闲的] *参见 med-
n.(名词)<参考词汇><同义词>empty,vacant,blank,void,vacuous,bare,barren同义词>These adjectives describe what contains nothing and inferentially lacks what it could or should have.这些形容词用于表明无内容或缺乏逻辑上会有或应有的内容。 Empty applies to what is without contents or substance: Empty 指没有内容或实质的: 例句:an empty box;空盒子;
例句:an empty room;空房子;
例句:empty promises.空许诺。
Vacant refers to what is without an occupant or incumbent: Vacant 指没有人居住的或未在职的: 例句:The auditorium is full of vacant seats.礼堂中满是空椅子。
例句:The chairmanship is vacant. Figuratively the word refers to the absence of intelligent meaning or thought: 主席职位空缺。 修辞上该词指缺乏理念意志:
例句:a vacant stare;茫然凝视;
例句:a vacant mind.空虚的大脑。
Blank stresses the absence of something,especially on a surface, that would convey meaning or content: Blank 强调某种缺乏,尤指在传递含义和内容的方面: 例句:blank pages;空白页;
例句:a blank expression.无意义的表达。
Void applies to what is free from or completely destitute of discernible content: Void 用来指没有或完全缺乏可分辨内容的: 例句:space void of matter;太空没有物质;
例句:gibberish void of all meaning.莫名其妙的话没有任何意思。
Vacuous describes what is as devoid of substance as a vacuum is: Vacuous 描述象真空一样缺少物质: 例句:a vacuous smile;一个空洞的笑容;
例句:led a vacuous life. Something that isbare lacks surface covering ( 过着空虚的生活。 bare 表示没有覆盖物(
例句:trees standing bare in November;月树木光秃秃地;
例句:a bare head) or detail (just the bare facts ); the word also denotes the condition of being stripped of contents or furnishings: 光头) 或细节(只有空洞的事实 ); 这个单词也用来表示被剥去了内容或装备的状态:
例句:The closet is bare.这个壁橱是空的。
Barren stresses lack of productivity in both literal and figurative applications: Barren 强调在文学或象征性的应用中缺乏创造性: 例句:barren land;不毛之地;
例句:writing barren of insight. See also Synonyms at vain 缺乏洞察力的作品 参见同义词 vain
参考词汇><注释>In Old EnglishIc eom ômtig could mean .I am empty,. .I am unoccupied,. or .I am unmarried.. The sense .unoccupied, at leisure,. which did not survive Old English,points to the derivation ofômtig from the Old English word ômetta, .leisure, rest.. The wordômetta may in turn go back to the Germanic root t-, meaning .ability, leisure..In any case, Old Englishômtig also meant .vacant,. a sense that was destined to take over the meaning of the word. Empty, the Modern English descendant of Old Englishômtig, has come to have the sense .idle,. so that one can speak of empty leisure.在古英语里,Ic eom cemfig 可以表示.我饿.,.我现在失业.或.我没有结婚。. .未占用的,空闲的.这个意思没有在古英语中保留下来,这表明ômtig , 派生自古英语词 ômetta ,意为.空闲,休息.。 鎚etta 可以追溯到日耳曼语词根 mot-, 意为.能力,空闲.。无论如何,古英语ômtig 也表示.空的., 这个意思是注定要取代这个词的意义。 Empty 这个古英语鎚tig 在现代英语中的变形具有了.空闲的.的意思, 所以我们可以说空闲注释>