Detroit是什么意思 Detroit在线中文翻译



n. 底特律(美国城市)


名词 detroit:

  1. the largest city in Michigan and a major Great Lakes port; center of the United States automobile industry; located in southeastern Michigan on the Detroit river across from Windsor同义词:Motor City, Motown


  1. He paid for the goods sent him from Detroit by a bill of exchange.他收到底特律给他发来的货物后以汇票付款。
  2. The Detroit auto workers went out for higher pay.底特律的汽车工人为争取提高工资而罢工。
  3. The Detroit contractor was asked to kick$5,000 back as commission.那个底特律的承包商被要求退还5000美元作为佣金。
  4. The auto industry has brought many people to Detroit.汽车工业把许多人吸引到了底特律。


NONE(无词性)A city of southeast Michigan opposite Windsor, Ontario, on theDetroit River, about 5 km (32 mi) long. Founded by French settlers in 70, Detroit became known as .the automobile capital of the world. in the early 20th century. Population, ,027,974. 底特律:密歇根东南部的一座城市,与温莎和安大略相对,位于底特律河 上,大约长5公里(32英里)。底特律城于70年由法国占领者建立,早在20世纪初期就以.世界汽车之都.而闻名。人口,027,974