dose是什么意思 dose在线中文翻译



n. 剂量, 服用量
vt. 给药, (用药)医治
vi. 服药
【化】 剂量; 药量
【医】 量, [一次]剂量, 一剂


名词:doser 动词过去式:dosed 过去分词:dosed 现在分词:dosing 第三人称单数:doses 


名词 dose:

  1. a measured portion of medicine taken at any one time
  2. the quantity of an active agent (substance or radiation) taken in or absorbed at any one time同义词:dosage
  3. a communicable infection transmitted by sexual intercourse or genital contact同义词:venereal disease, VD, venereal infection, social disease, Cupid's itch, Cupid's disease, Venus's curse, sexually transmitted disease
  4. street name for lysergic acid diethylamide同义词:acid, back breaker, battery-acid, dot, Elvis, loony toons, Lucy in the sky with diamonds, pane, superman, window pane, Zen

动词 dose:

  1. treat with an agent; add (an agent) to
  2. administer a drug to同义词:drug


  1. A dose of this stuff will purge you!这种药只须一剂就能让你通便!
  2. The smaller boys badly wanted to give the bully a dose of his own medicine.那些小男孩儿巴不得让那欺负人的坏蛋也尝点苦头。
  3. Give him the dose of his own medicine.[谚]以其人之道还治其人之身。
  4. He gets through his pay like a dose of salts, and by Monday he's broke.一发工资,他就很快花个精光,到了星期一便身无分文了。
  5. She dosed up the children with cough syrup.她把止咳糖浆给孩子们吃了。
  6. Take one dose of this cough syrup three times a day.每天服三次这种止咳糖浆,每次服一剂量。
  7. In the accident, the workers received a heavy dose of radiation.在这次事故中,工人受到大剂量的辐射。


n.Abbr. d.,D.(名词)缩写 d.,D.Medicine 【医学】 A specified quantity of a therapeutic agent, such as a drug or medicine, prescribed to be taken at one time or at stated intervals.剂量:一种特定的治疗方法的用量,诸如药剂或药物等一次服用或在一定间隔期服用的剂量The amount of radiation administered as therapy to a given site.射线剂量:作为治疗,对指定部位施用的射线剂量An ingredient added, especially to wine, to impart flavor or strength.增加剂:尤指加到酒中去的一份增味剂Informal An amount, especially of something unpleasant, to which one is subjected:【非正式用语】 遭受:尤其某人遇到的不愉快的事:例句:a dose of hard luck.坏运气
Slang A venereal infection.【俚语】 花柳病及物动词)dosed,, To give (someone) a dose, as of medicine.服用:给…服药To give or prescribe (medicine) in specified amounts.一剂,一服:按剂量开药
来源:French 法语 from Late Latin dosis 源自 后期拉丁语 dosis from Greek dosis [something given] 源自 希腊语 dosis [给的东西] from didonai [to give] * see dô- 源自 didonai [给予] *参见 dô-