devil是什么意思 devil在线中文翻译



n. 魔鬼
vt. 折磨, 戏弄
【法】 人面兽心者, 恶人, 恶棍
between the devil and the deep sea
give the devil his due
go to the devil
play the devil with...
the devil
a devil of a...
be in a devil of a hole
be the devil


动词过去式:deviled,devilled 过去分词:deviled,devilled 现在分词:deviling,devilling 第三人称单数:devils,devils 


名词 devil:

  1. (Judeo-Christian and Islamic religions) chief spirit of evil and adversary of God; tempter of mankind; master of Hell同义词:Satan, Old Nick, Lucifer, Beelzebub, the Tempter, Prince of Darkness
  2. one of the evil spirits of traditional Jewish and Christian belief同义词:fiend, demon, daemon, daimon
  3. a word used in exclamations of confusion同义词:deuce, dickens
  4. a rowdy or mischievous person (usually a young man)同义词:hellion, heller
  5. a cruel wicked and inhuman person同义词:monster, fiend, demon, ogre

动词 devil:

  1. cause annoyance in; disturb, especially by minor irritations同义词:annoy, rag, get to, bother, get at, irritate, rile, nark, nettle, gravel, vex, chafe
  2. coat or stuff with a spicy paste


  1. I'm having a devil of a job fixing my car.我修我这辆汽车可费劲了。
  2. She found out her husband was a devil soon after her marriage.结婚后不久她就发现她丈夫是一个邪恶的人。
  3. There will be the devil to pay.后果不堪设想。

n.(名词)Often Devil Theology In many religions, the major personified spirit of evil, ruler of Hell, and foe of God. Used withthe. 常作 Devil 【神学】 魔鬼:在多种宗教中,主要象征坏人的灵魂,地狱的统治者和上帝的敌人。与the 连用 A subordinate evil spirit; a demon.恶魔:从属的邪恶灵魂;恶魔A wicked or malevolent person.恶棍,恶人:邪恶的或恶毒的人A person:人,家伙:一个人:例句:a handsome devil; the poor devil.漂亮的人;可怜的家伙
An energetic, mischievous, daring, or clever person.精力充沛的人:精力充沛的、淘气的、胆大妄为的或聪明的人Printing A printer`s devil.【印刷术】 印刷所学徒A device or machine, especially one having teeth or spikes and used for tearing.扯碎机:某种特定用途的装置或机械,尤指扯碎用的、带齿或尖钉的装置An outstanding example, especially of something difficult or bad:难事,极坏:某种显著的事例,特指困难的或不好的情况:例句:has a devil of a temper.魔鬼般的脾气
A severe reprimand or expression of anger:惩罚:严惩,生气严厉的惩罚或愤怒的表现:例句:gave me the devil for cutting class.我因旷课而受到了严厉的惩罚
Informal Used as an intensive:【非正式用语】 用作加强语意:例句:Who the devil do you think you areô你以为你是谁ô
Christian Science The opposite of Truth; error.【基督教科学派】 谬误:真理的反面;错误及物动词)dev.iled 或 dev.illed 或 dev.ils 或 dev.ils To season (food) heavily.难以消化的食物或阴冷的季节To annoy, torment, or harass.使人苦恼、气恼或受折磨To tear up (cloth or rags) in a toothed machine.扯碎:在有齿的机器上拆碎布或(破布)
<习惯用语>between the devil and the deep blue sea
Between two equally unacceptable choices.进退两难:处于两个都不能接受的选择之间give the devil his due
To give credit to a disagreeable or malevolent person.公平对待坏人:对难相处的或充满邪恶暴力的人给予信任go to the devil
To be unsuccessful; fail.不成功;失败To become depraved.堕落Used in the imperative to express anger or impatience.用在祈使语气中表示愤怒和不耐烦play the devil with
To upset or ruin.弄糟…:倾覆或毁灭the devil take the hindmost
Let each person follow self-interest, leaving others to fare as they may.落后者遭殃:让每个人追求自身的利益,不理会别人如何过话the devil to pay
Trouble to be faced as a result of an action:极大的麻烦:由于某种行为的结果而要面对的麻烦:例句:There`ll be the devil to pay if you allow the piglets inside the house.如果你让小猪进入房子就会有很大的麻烦
习惯用语>来源:Middle English devel 中古英语 devel from Old English ofol 源自 古英语 ofol from Latin diabolus 源自 拉丁语 diabolus from Late Greek diabolos 源自 后期希腊语 diabolos from Greek [slanderer] 源自 希腊语 [诽谤者] from diaballein [to slander] 源自 diaballein [诽谤罪] dia- [dia-] dia- [前缀,表.完全的,有始有终地.] ballein [to hurl] * see g wel…- ballein [猛投] *参见 g wel…-