depart是什么意思 depart在线中文翻译



vi. 离开, 出发, 背离, 违反, 去世
depart from sth


动词过去式:departed 过去分词:departed 现在分词:departing 第三人称单数:departs 


depart, leave, go, start, quit, set out
depart: 较正式用词,指经过周密考虑或郑重地离开,强调离开的起点。
leave: 侧重出发地而不是目的地。
go: 一般用词,指从所在地到其它地方去,着重目的地而非出发地。
start: 可与leave换用,强调目的地,但不及leave普通。
quit: 侧重指离开令人烦恼的地方,或摆脱使人不快的人或事。
set out: 书面用词。


动词 depart:

  1. move away from a place into another direction同义词:go, go away
  2. be at variance with; be out of line with同义词:deviate, vary, diverge
  3. leave同义词:part, start, start out, set forth, set off, set out, take off
  4. go away or leave同义词:take leave, quit
  5. remove oneself from an association with or participation in同义词:leave, pull up stakes
  6. wander from a direct or straight course同义词:sidetrack, digress, straggle


  1. Misfortunes come on wings and depart on foot.[谚]祸来如飞行,祸去似步行。
  2. He seemed somewhat loath to depart.他似乎不愿离去。
  3. Jane is filled with sympathy for the misanthropic Rochester. Nevertheless, she realizes she must now depart.简对愤世嫉俗的罗切斯特满怀同情,但意识到此时她必须离开。
  4. The train to Beijing will depart from platform 3 in half an hour.开往北京的火车将于半小时后从三站台开出。
  5. The war forced us to depart from the old customs.战争迫使我们不得不违背旧习俗。


v.(动词)de.part.ed,, v.intr.(不及物动词)To go away; leave.走开;离开To die.死亡To vary, as from a regular course; deviate:脱轨:脱离常规的路线;脱轨:例句:depart from custom.See Synonyms at swerve 脱离习俗参见 swerve及物动词)To go away from; leave.离开:从…离开;离开
来源:Middle English departen 中古英语 departen from Old French departir [to split, divide] 源自 古法语 departir [分离,分开] de- [de-] de- [前缀,表.转移.] partir [to divide] from Latin partore from pars part- [part] * see part partir [划分] 源自 拉丁语 partore 源自 pars part- [分开] *参见 part