delicacy是什么意思 delicacy在线中文翻译



n. 细软, 精致, 精美的食品, 娇气, 微妙, 棘手, 娇弱, 灵敏, 灵巧




名词 delicacy:

  1. the quality of being beautiful and delicate in appearance同义词:daintiness, fineness
  2. something considered choice to eat同义词:dainty, goody, kickshaw, treat
  3. refined taste; tact同义词:discretion
  4. smallness of stature同义词:slightness
  5. lack of physical strength同义词:fragility
  6. subtly skillful handling of a situation同义词:diplomacy, discreetness, finesse
  7. lightness in movement or manner同义词:airiness


  1. The Chinese palace lanterns are famous for their delicacy.中国的宫灯以精巧闻名。
  2. The local people regard these crabs as a great delicacy.当地人认为这些螃蟹是珍馐美味。
  3. He provided local delicacies for his guests' meal.他用当地的美味佳肴来招待客人。
  4. Religion is a subject that must be approached with great delicacy.宗教是一个必须慎重处理的问题。
  5. Everyone admired the delicacy of her features.人人都羡慕她娇美的容貌。

n.(名词)【复数】 The quality of being delicate.精美,雅致:精巧雅致的特点Something pleasing and appealing, especially a choice food.美味佳肴:使人愉悦高兴的,吸引人的东西,尤指食物Fineness of appearance, construction, or execution; elegance:精巧;美观:外貌、建筑、表演的优雅细致;优美:例句:brushwork of great delicacy.细腻的笔法
Frailty of bodily constitution or health.虚弱,纤弱:体质或健康上的虚弱Sensitivity of perception, discrimination, or taste; refinement.敏锐,敏感:洞察力、辨别力或品味的敏感;精密
Sensitivity to the feelings of others; tact:世故,圆滑:对他人感情的敏感;圆滑:例句:phrased the apology with delicacy.用老练的措词表示道歉
Sensitivity to what is proper; propriety.合宜:对适宜的东西的敏感性;适当Undue sensitivity to or concern with what may be considered offensive or improper; squeamishness:过分敏感:对于可被看作冒犯或不恰当的东西的过于敏感;过于拘泥,矜持:例句:scenes that might offend a viewer`s delicacy.可能会触犯过分敏感的观众的镜头
The need for tact in treatment or handling:微妙:在处理或把握过程中对圆滑的需要:例句:a topic of some delicacy.有几分微妙的主题
Sensitivity to very small changes; precision:灵敏度:对非常微小变化的敏感性;精确:例句:the delicacy of a set of scales.天平的灵敏性
来源:Middle English delicacie 中古英语 delicacie from delicat [delicate] * see delicate 源自 delicat [精巧的] *参见 delicate