dentist是什么意思 dentist在线中文翻译



n. 牙科医生
【医】 牙医师


doctor, physician, surgeon, dentist
doctor: 泛指各科医生,即一切有行医资格的人。
physician: 指医院的内科医生。
surgeon: 指专修外科或专修人体某个部分的外科专科医生,这种医生一般需对患者进行手术治疗。
dentist: 指牙医。


名词 dentist:

  1. a person qualified to practice dentistry同义词:tooth doctor, dental practitioner


  1. `Open your mouth a little wider, ' said the dentist.`把嘴张大点,'牙科医生说。
  2. The dentist told the boy not to eat too many sweets.牙医告诫这男孩不要吃太多糖果。
  3. She had to be dragged into seeing the dentist.要她去牙科医生那里看病非得生拉硬拽不可。
  4. I have an appointment with my dentist this afternoon.我已约好今天下午去看牙医。
  5. I screwed up my courage and went to the dentist.我鼓起勇气去找牙科医生。
  6. How many teeth did the dentist take out?牙科医生给患者拔了几颗牙?
  7. I was fitted an artificial tooth by the dentist.牙医给我镶了颗假牙。
  8. The dentist was cleaning and taking out teeth.牙科医生正在清洁和拔牙。


n.Abbr. dent.(名词)缩写 dent.A person who is trained and licensed to practice dentistry.牙科医生:受过训练并获准执业牙医的人
来源:French dentiste 法语 dentiste from dent [tooth] 源自 dent [牙齿] from Old French 源自 古法语 from Latin ns dent- * see dent- 源自 拉丁语 ns dent- *参见 dent-
<注释>.Dentist figures [appears] now in our newspapers, and may do well enough for a French puffer [a writer of inflated advertisements];but we fancy Rutter is content with being called atooth-drawer. . In this quotation from the September 5, 759, issue of theEdinburgh Chronicle we seedentist in its infancy as an English word, trailing evidence of its French origin.If we had formed a word in English likedentist, which comes from the French word dent, .tooth,. we would havetoothist, a word that does not exist. Buttoothist and tooth-drawer lack the elegance of the French borrowing dentist, an elegance that is shared by other borrowings from French during the past four centuries,such asballet, champagne, coquette, coterie, and negligee. .Dentist 现在在我们的报纸里出现了, 可能常是法国吹嘘者宣传的对象;但是,我们猜测鲁特会对被称为tooth-drawer 的东西感到满意.。 在这段引自759年9月5日的杂志爱丁堡年记 的话中, 我们看到dentist 最初是作为一个英语单词产生的, 它却起源于法语。如果我们当时在英语中构造了象dentist (它源于法语 dent )的这样一个英语词.tooth., 我们将会得到一个根本就不存在的形式:toothist 。 但是toothisttooth-drawer 缺乏法语借用词 dentist 的高雅, 这种高雅为其他在这四百年里从法语中借用的词所共有,如ballet,champagne,coquette,coterienegligee 注释>